My Journey to America – An Introduction

My Journey to America

Summer is here, I am going to be in the fifth grade coming this fall. I can’t wait! I get to choose what language to learn – either French or English. Can’t make up my mind on which one I should choose. Oh but wait! Everything has changed. We are no longer learning French or English. I was told the other day that our new language to learn will be “Liên Sô” which means Russian.


It was early in the morning. There was a slight hint of light shining through the clouds.  The street was empty.  I was holding Mẹ Ðức’s hand.  We were walking together down an alley in an unfamiliar surrounding.

“Where are we going mommy?” I asked Mẹ Ðức.  No reply.

I tugged on her blouse to get an answer.  She turned around and it was no longer Mẹ Ðức.  Mẹ Ðức transformed in to a strange lady.  I quickly let go of the lady’s hand and I looked around for any signs of Mẹ Ðức.  Mẹ Ðức was no where in sight.  Quickly, I turned around, the lady disappeared.  I was left alone in the alley lost and confused.

“No, please don’t leave me!”  I called out.  I was startled and woke up covered in sweat.  It seemed so real.

The same dream repeated over and over again on and off for months until I was 10.  The dream stopped recurring when my family and I left our beloved country, Vietnam.  We sought for a better life in United States of America.


2 thoughts on “My Journey to America – An Introduction

  • By Tamie Davern - Reply

    Love your blog/ new book
    Just now have had some time to read it.
    Please let me know when you’re next
    Cooking demonstration is (sorry I missed the
    last one).
    & you’re next blog I would love to read that also
    Thanks. & happy blogging & New Year

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