My Journey to America – An Introduction

As I was sitting at my desk writing, many fond memories of my journey to America came rushing back as if it was yesterday. Over thirty years have passed since I left Vietnam.  My experience of seeking freedom began when I was 10.

My husband, Chris, had nudged and encouraged me for over 20 years to write about my journey.  His comment was “Ha, your story is an example of an American dream.  Why not share it?”  Looking back now, my trip to America was the best Robinson Crusoe adventure a 10 year old could have ever dreamed of.

My father’s death on March 2007 triggered me to start writing.  This story was dedicated in loving memory of my father, Tường Nguyễn.  My father was the man who kept our family together as a unit.  He was the planner, the family barometer, the anchor, and the final big decision maker.  Meanwhile, my mother was the generous and fearless idea woman who took us further than we could ever imagined.  Without my parents, my siblings and I would not be here in America today.

Chris’ grandmother was another person who inspired me to speed up my writing process.  Chris’ grandmother turned only 100 July 2008.  We all called her GG for Great Grandmother.  We visited GG on Christmas day of 2008.  At the dinner table, the family was reminiscing over everything and nothing during dessert.  GG turned to me and said “What was the name of the book that you were planning to write?”

“Three Generations to Freedom” I replied.

“Ha, write your book and I will wait for your book to come out.”  She looked at me with her beautiful blue eyes.  I looked back at her admirably.  She smiled adoringly with determination that she was serious and meant business so get busy.  I was honored and touched to receive a little nudged from GG.  GG, thank you so much for believing in me.

Need I say more?  I was inspired by loved ones.  Finally, I sat down anxiously and wrote about my life and my journey.  It was about time, too.


2 thoughts on “My Journey to America – An Introduction

  • By Tamie Davern - Reply

    Love your blog/ new book
    Just now have had some time to read it.
    Please let me know when you’re next
    Cooking demonstration is (sorry I missed the
    last one).
    & you’re next blog I would love to read that also
    Thanks. & happy blogging & New Year

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