My Journey to America – An Introduction

My parents sacrificed their life time so that their children can succeed and have a better future.  They left their beloved country and established their life in a foreign land.  My parents endured continuous criticisms, strenuous physical labor, and many challenges to raise their children.  They endured it all because they loved their children.  My parents expected their children to lead a happy life with freedom to choose on education, politics, and religions.  I will not let them down.  My wish is to live up to my parents’ expectations and continue to do so until the day I rest in peace under 5 to 10 feet of dirt.  My grave would say “There lived Ha Roda who lived the American dream and lived up to her parents’ expectations.”

America is a place where I fit in best.  It is a melting pot of all different cultures and nationalities.  It is a place where I can make a difference no matter how small or insignificant I may seem to be.  It is a place that people risked their lives to come to.  It is a place where dreams are possibilities.  What comes to my mind is the last sentence of the lyric in the American National Anthem, Star-Spangled Banner: “O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!”


Next section / chapter will be available next week. Please check back my website for the next chapter. Meanwhile, please leave your thoughts as a comment below. Thank you!


2 thoughts on “My Journey to America – An Introduction

  • By Tamie Davern - Reply

    Love your blog/ new book
    Just now have had some time to read it.
    Please let me know when you’re next
    Cooking demonstration is (sorry I missed the
    last one).
    & you’re next blog I would love to read that also
    Thanks. & happy blogging & New Year

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